Lake Mývatn Snowshoe Hiking
3 hours

Pick-up only

Lake Mývatn Snowshoe Hiking
The Krafla area is one of the most interesting areas by Lake Mývatn. This is where the tectonic plates meet and is therefore a hotbed of seismic activity. There you can see: Red, black, grey, blue and white lava. A beautiful geothermal area. A great variety of interesting rare geothermal phenomena. Access to the Krafla area is easy in the summertime but can be difficult and even dangerous in other seasons due to snow- and weather conditions. Never the less in team Geo Travel´s opinion the Krafla area is never as beautiful as when snow has covered most of the ground and you see the pink hills, black, grey and red warm lava standing out of the snow.

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