Mountain Bike rental
Biking is a great way to enjoy the nature and tranquil atmosphere of East Iceland. Either wondering along old trails in the peaceful valleys or curving along animals trails on the highland plateau, enjoying spectacular views.
8 hours

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Mountain Bike rental


Mountain bike rental at the Wilderness Center
Biking is a great way to enjoy the nature and tranquil atmosphere of East Iceland.
Either wondering along old trails in the peaceful valleys or curving along animals trails on the highland plateau, enjoying spectacular views.

We rent out high quality hard tail mountain bikes in varying sizes.
The price for one day rental is: 6000.-isk per bike. Kids bike 4000.-isk per bike
Rental hours are from 09:00 – 17:00. every day, for late drop off there is an extra fee of 1000.-isk then you can have the bike until midnight.

Included in rental is a helmet.
Creditcard number is needed for insurance upon arrival.

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