In June 2016 the Wilderness Center opened its exhibitions on life in and near the highlands. The extended exhibition area reaches as far the top of the hills behind the Center, as well as to the abandoned farm Kleif, about 3 km up the valley. Various farm buildings are turned into exhibition spaces. Upon entering the Center, the visitor embarks on an adventure, backwards in time. The exhibitions lend the Wilderness Center a unique setting.
Step into the past
Visiting the Wilderness Center is an adventure. As soon as guests park their cars and cross the old wooden bridge at the Wilderness Center, they step into the past. Every detail at the premises has been remade in the original style to make the visitor feel as if taking part in an adventure of the past. The buildings, interior decorations, food, activities and hosts all play a vital role in this experience. The accommodation offered is integrated into the museum, and thus our guests spend both night and day in the “Wilderness World.”
Este es un gran lugar para describir la clara ventaja de este servicio. ¿Por qué la gente lo necesita? ¿Qué beneficios ofrece con este servicio que otras empresas no pueden igualar? El texto debe ser claro y persuasivo. Tiene espacio para un par de párrafos aquí, pero recuerde que deben ser breves, claros y fáciles de entender. Asegúrese de incluir también algunas imágenes relacionadas y de alta calidad.
Identificación: 700910-0750
Número de IVA: 106233
( 354) 893 5050
La piedra angular de la cultura islandesa es el idioma islandés, que ha generado una tradición literaria que se remonta a las antiguas sagas islandesas. Estas son historias de violentas enemistades de sangre, tradiciones, familia y carácter.