Reykjavik Food and Drink Adventure - Local Evening Experience
Food & Drinks tour!
3 hours and 30 minutes

Meet on location

Reykjavik Food and Drink Adventure - Local Evening Experience
A local food tour tour with drinks at all the stops!

On The Reykjavik Food&Drinks tour, we take a group of people to 5 restaurants in the central Reykjavik area, tasting some great Icelandic food, but also having some fantastic Icelandic drinks along the way. From beers to stronger drinks, from fine-dining restaurants to street food!

It's a great tour to start your stay in Reykjavik on as you get to know the city centre, our culture and cuisine, all through a super fun, local guide.
If you want to experience a fun night and meet new friends, this is the tour for you.
Just make sure that you show up hungry and thirsty - as you will be leaving neither hungry nor thirsty!

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