Ticket - Children (8 - 15)
1238 The Battle of Iceland is an immersive exhibition that goes a step beyond the regular history museum. Welcoming to people of all ages the exhibition offers its guests to see and take part in history through virtual reality.
1 hour
Very easy

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Ticket - Children (8 - 15)

1238 The Battle of Iceland is an immersive exhibition that goes a step beyond the regular history museum. Welcoming to people of all ages the exhibition offers its guests to see and take part in history through virtual reality. Whether visitors have great or no interest in history, the exhibition incites its guests to experience history in a super modern and artful interactive installation.

The exhibitinon revolves around the most famous part f the Icelandic Sagas - Sturlung Era (1220 - 1262); the bloodiest and most violent era in Icelandic historiy. The Saga recreated with interactive technology brings to life, in a fascination vision, Iceland´s most dramatic clash of family clans and the fatal civil war that ended Iceland´s independence. 

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