On the first of October in 1901, a Icelandic mother of three children, Guðfinna Sigríður Stanger wrote an article in the Icelandic periodical Heimskringla, which was published in Winnipeg, Canada. In the piece she thanks Vigfús Stefánsson(Stephenson) and his wife Kristín for all their assistance in her struggles and difficulties. Within a month, her husband would pass away from chronic illness. With no choice but to move from Winnipeg along with her daughters and no means to support her tiny son, William, she leaves him in the care of the aforementioned couple. Back in 1962, October 22th, Ian Fleming wrote:: “James Bond is a highly romanticized version of a true spy. The real thing is … William Stephenson”.
In the span of an hour the story of the Icelandier/Canadian Sir William Stephenson is narrated and told – a man who had a profound impact on the outcome of WWII. How Stephenson was connected to Churchill, Roald Dahl, FD Roosevelt, Hoover, Ian Fleming and inspiration for James Bond.
Stephenson died on 31 January 1989, aged 92, in Paget, Bermuda. For his extraordinary service to the war effort, he was knighted into the order by King George VI. Sir Winston Churchill wrote: “This one is dear to my heart.” when recommending Stephenson for the knighthood.
Este es un gran lugar para describir la clara ventaja de este servicio. ¿Por qué la gente lo necesita? ¿Qué beneficios ofrece con este servicio que otras empresas no pueden igualar? El texto debe ser claro y persuasivo. Tiene espacio para un par de párrafos aquí, pero recuerde que deben ser breves, claros y fáciles de entender. Asegúrese de incluir también algunas imágenes relacionadas y de alta calidad.
Identificación: 700910-0750
Número de IVA: 106233
( 354) 893 5050
La piedra angular de la cultura islandesa es el idioma islandés, que ha generado una tradición literaria que se remonta a las antiguas sagas islandesas. Estas son historias de violentas enemistades de sangre, tradiciones, familia y carácter.