A boat trip into the stunning Ísafjarðardjúp, in search of whales and other wildlife.
Join us on our fully fitted boat Síf, where we depart from Isafjordur and journey out into the surrounding Isafjarðardjúp fjord. Here we will look out for the blows of distant whales, and our expert captain will take you as close as possible without causing disturbance to the whales. The fjord is bursting with life, and there is the possibility of seeing humpback and minke whales, as well as dolphins and porpoises. We will search for the humpback, as they are one of the few species of whale which flashes you their tail on a dive, an incredible sight to see! You are also likely to see the many puffins in the water which nest on nearby Vigur and Æðey islands. On very rare occasions, killer whales (orcas) will also pass through the area. On our trip will be our experienced boat crew, and a guide to share with you their extensive knowledge of the local wildlife and area.
We will use our trips as an opportunity to add to the ongoing research on the whale population in the area, and guests are therefore encouraged to contribute to this by taking photos of the whales flukes (tails) for identification.
We have a very high rate of sightings within the area, however, as we are observing wild animals, we cannot guarantee we will see whales on every tour.
Este es un gran lugar para describir la clara ventaja de este servicio. ¿Por qué la gente lo necesita? ¿Qué beneficios ofrece con este servicio que otras empresas no pueden igualar? El texto debe ser claro y persuasivo. Tiene espacio para un par de párrafos aquí, pero recuerde que deben ser breves, claros y fáciles de entender. Asegúrese de incluir también algunas imágenes relacionadas y de alta calidad.
Identificación: 700910-0750
Número de IVA: 106233
( 354) 893 5050
La piedra angular de la cultura islandesa es el idioma islandés, que ha generado una tradición literaria que se remonta a las antiguas sagas islandesas. Estas son historias de violentas enemistades de sangre, tradiciones, familia y carácter.